In-Person Access

In Blerify’s system, the Point of Verification (POV) user (e.g., a security guard or access controller) plays a central role in managing physical access. The process involves the POV user generating a QR code from their Blerify app, which the end-user scans to present their credential.

  1. Enhanced Security:

    • The POV user controls the process, ensuring that only authorized individuals can initiate access requests.

    • Verifiable credentials are cryptographically signed, reducing the risk of fraud or tampering.

  2. User Convenience:

    • End-users only need to scan a QR code, and their app handles the rest, making the process quick and intuitive.

    • Automatic credential selection eliminates the need for users to manually choose or present their credentials.

  3. Real-Time Verification:

    • Credentials are validated instantly, reducing delays at access points and ensuring a smooth flow of people.

  4. Privacy Protection:

    • The system supports selective disclosure, meaning users only share the information necessary for access (e.g., proof of identity or ticket validity) without revealing unnecessary personal data.

  5. Flexibility and Customization:

    • The POV user can define specific access requirements (e.g., credential type, issuer trust, or attributes) when generating the QR code, allowing for tailored access policies.

  6. Scalability:

    • The system can handle high volumes of access requests, making it ideal for large events, corporate offices, or busy environments.

  7. Auditability and Compliance:

    • All access attempts are logged, creating a detailed audit trail for security monitoring and compliance purposes.

  8. Interoperability:

    • The system works with global standards like ISO 18013-5 and W3C Verifiable Credentials, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of digital credentials.

Last updated