Once the QR code is published on a website and scanned by the user using the Blerify Wallet App, the app will search for a credential that meets the requirements defined in the POV.
If a matching credential is found:
The user will be allowed to select the credential and send its data to the website.
If no matching credential is found:
The user will not be able to proceed, and the process will stop.
2. Page Update and Credential Data Handling
After the user sends the credential data, the webpage displaying the QR code will be updated with the received information.
The website can perform various actions based on the credential data, such as:
Logging in the user.
Registering the user.
Validating the user’s access.
Using the credential ID to call a procedure and retrieve additional details about the credential, such as the DID (Decentralized Identifier) and any associated benefits (e.g., discounts for e-commerce).
3. Receiving Credential Data via POST
The credential data is sent to the website via a POST request when the page is redirected.
The following parameters are included in the POST request:
POST['subject']: Contains the name of the person (credential subject).
POST['id']: Contains the ID of the credential received.
4. Retrieving Credential Details and Benefits
Using the credential ID received in the POST request, you can call the following public API endpoint to retrieve detailed information about the credential and its benefits:
The API response will include detailed information about the credential, its issuer, verification status, and any associated benefits. Below is an example of the response structure: